The Ugly Truth Behind Sexual Harassment


Hello everyone. It’s been a while (actually one full year!) since my last post and many people are probably wondering what’s been up. To keep it short and simple this blog is a hobby and a passion of mine I constantly have to put aside. However this year I want to dedicate more time to this blog and view it more as a business that I want to cultivate and grow other than something I just do when I feel like ranting. Having said that you guys (and girls) can expect regular content from now on, although I have not yet decided on the scheduling. This year is going to address a lot of topics that are going to be even more beneficial then last years, and will keep you safe in the land of women. In today’s topic I want to uncover a hidden truth behind sexual harassment that many men simply don’t know about.

Sexual Harassment & Feminism.

Sexual harassment is described as an unwanted or uninvited verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature. In all respects it’s a pretty serious crime and can be socially crippling to individuals that are found guilty of this crime. Now most of us have already been taught what accounts as sexual harassment, be it from work, school, or that one white knight friend you have. However what most of us don’t know is that feminism is trying to weaponize sexual harassment by changing it’s definition and even by adopting sub terms such as “Street Harassment”. Which is a made up term created by feminist groups to further the agenda of a female ruled society. According to these groups street harassment is “any action or comment between strangers in public places that is deemed disrespectful, unwelcome, threatening and/or harassing and is motivated by gender or sexual orientation or gender expression.”

So why is this bullshit?

Well for starters this is based purely off opinion. Meaning I can accuse someone of harassment because I’m in a crappy mood even if the interaction was positive. Secondly this is how 99% of couples meet the other 1% is arranged. Their boyfriends and husbands approached them in public and formed a relationship from there. Since the beginning of time men have almost always been the initiators when it comes to meeting the opposite sex. Now for some reason it’s become a major issue for women but what exactly is that issue? The truth may not shock you at all.

The Truth Of It All.

The truth of the matter is women love being approached, but they hate being approached by the average every day man.  Watch any of the widely popular street harassment videos and look at the caliber of men that are approaching these women. All of them are low status males, horribly dressed, obese, etc and unfortunately for women this is the norm. Replace those guys with athletic and well dressed men and not a single woman would complain. Street harassment is nothing more than a double standard designed to discourage the average male from approaching women. While a bold move it’s ultimately proved to be a pretty stupid one considering more and more men are getting wise to idiotic movements feminist groups are trying to push on to an already female friendly society. Don’t fall for these tactics fellas, until next time.

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One thought on “The Ugly Truth Behind Sexual Harassment

  1. Bill says:

    Seems right on the money. Unless you want to be insulted it is best to leave the women alone. I learned as a sophomore in High School to expect nothing from women so there was no reason to approach them.

    Liked by 1 person

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