Category Archives: #metoo

How #MeToo Has Silenced Due Process


Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, no doubt you’ve heard about the Brett Kavanaugh case. Despite my better judgment, I attended this hearing via the magic of the internet. Not for entertainment but to see if our justice system is in danger. After several hours of deliberation, I think we might have a serious problem on our hands and I want to talk about it. Men are being socially assassin

Sexual assault and rape are some of the most serious crimes that a person can commit in our society. Some would argue that these offenses are worse than murder itself (I totally disagree but I digress) and that those accused should be buried under the prison. In most circumstances, I would agree with the punishment. However, I’d have to be positive the man I am putting behind bars is the guilty party.

Unfortunately for most men in our society, the “luxury” of due process is not something they can afford. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is not the first man in American to feel the bite of the sword I call #metoo. In fact, 219 powerful individuals have been accused since April of last year. It seems like every week someone new ends up on the chopping block. Truly no one is safe.

However, seeing this job interview (If I can even call it that) gave me a bit of hope because it’s one of the few cases that have been publicly viewed. I expected hard questions from both sides of the table, and truthfully I expected some serious answers. What I personally got from this hearing was a shock to the system and an indicator of how serious of a problem the #metoo movement has become. Let me explain.

When Christine Blasey Ford was questioned by Rachel Mitchell I saw a lot of interruptions to questions that Mrs.Ford struggled to answer. Let’s ignore the fact that this woman’s witnesses denounce her story, her claim is 35 years old, and can’t really be investigated fully. What I want to focus on is how Mrs.Ford was basically treated like she was a sheet of tissue paper in a razor blade factory. Mitchell had to slowly dance around her story to poke as many holes in her story (which she did) as possible. These attempts were met with constant interruptions from members of the Senate. Stating some questions are too sensitive or uncalled for to ask. Simply put, we can’t ask questions we really want to under the guise of being sensitive.

One of the biggest indicators of this is Mrs. Ford’s only tangible evidence which is her polygraph test. Supports of Ford said she passed her polygraph, which made me think “Oh!, so he had to of assaulted her.” However, the polygraph only asked two questions:

  • Is any part of your statement false?
  • Did you make up any part of your statement?

You see what I am getting at here? Why are these questions that are ambiguous to the point she could be talking about bank statements or anything in between? Somewhere in time we lost our ability to question accusers as if it’s impossible that their story would be fabricated in anyway.

As for Judge Kavanaugh’s questioning, the man was grilled pretty hard despite being the only one to provide some tangible evidence. Now my problem isn’t being questioned. I think people should ask questions to get to the truth of any serious crime. However, what I saw was a committee that tried to slander reputation by mentioning alcohol and his yearbook. Of course, they saved those two tactics only after the FBI questioning was derailed by Senator Lindsey Graham. I found it amazing that the questioning party tried their damnedest to use this man’s words against him with simple yes or no questions. I saw a man who was considered guilty and had to prove his innocence. Which is not only unconstitutional but morally wrong.

The #metoo movement has become a tool to socially assassinate a man’s character and destroy their lives. Four years ago I wrote about how our young boys are under attack in this society. Years later I am sad to announce that this situation has only gotten worse and will continue to do so. Men are being silenced by fear and intimidation tactics that the average man just is not prepared for. If you haven’t read it I strongly recommend reading a book called Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans. You’d be surprised just how clearly you can compare what you read to what is happening to Mr.Kavanaugh. This man came prepared to defend himself and met incredible opposition,and in the end his name and reputation will forever be soiled. If a man that has documented his entire life faithfully everyday for the past 44 years can’t escape the damaging effects of #metoo. What in God’s name does that mean for the rest of us who don’t?

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